June 18 - 22, 2024
Son de Jade
Tuesday 18 June – 7:00 PM
$25 at the door, $20 advanced rate, students $10. Email margareteherdman@yahoo.ca for advance reservation.
Wednesday 19 June – 7:00 PM
$25 at the door, $20 advanced rate, students $10. Email keegan@invernessarts.com for advance reservation.
Thursday 20 June – 7:00 PM
$25 at the door, $20 advanced rate, students $10. Email hightides@hightidescentre.ca for advance reservation.
Friday 21 June – 7:00 PM
$25 at the door, $20 advanced rate, students $10. Email musiqueroyale1985@gmail.com for advance reservation.
Saturday 22 June – 4:00 PM
$$25 at the door, $20 advanced rate, students $10. Email info@signofthewhaleonline.com for advance reservation.
José Ángel Gutiérrez Vázquez
Guitarra Jabalina / voice
Teresita de Jesús Islas Ochoa
Jarana / voice / dance
José Enrique Gutiérrez Islas
Guitarra Bombona
From June 18th til June 22nd, Musique Royale is delighted to present the Mexican trio Al Golpe del Guatimé, part of our 39th Summer Festival. The performance showcasese a musical journey where the festive Son Jarocho traditional 18th century music from Veracruz merges with its fourth root, the airs of the east. The trio features a family of performers: José Ángel Gutiérrez, Teresita Islas and José Enrique Gutiérrez, with singing, dance, and playing guitarra jabalina, jarana, and guitarra bombona. Join Musique Royale at historic venues across Nova Scotia for “Son de Jade” performances in Arichat, Inverness, Maitland, New Germany and Yarmouth.
About Son de Jade
Al Golpe del Guatimé’s concert “Son de Jade” is a project that celebrates the relationship between traditional Son Jarocho music from 18th century Veracruz in Mexico, and oriental music of the east.
The Oriental influences are evident in Jarocho melodies, such as the Fandanguito, Cascabel, and Petenera, reflecting minor modes and the Arab-Andalusian heritage that traveled to Mexico during the conquest.
The concert highlights an important oriental melodic base in this Mexican genre that is linked to mystical and profound evocations of moods, musical ideas, everyday moments, socio-political and even religious events, a heritage undoubtedly from the genre’s oriental roots which are demonstrated in the Menoreados Jarocho songs such as the Fandanguito.
In Jarocho music, music and poetry blend, forming an infinite symbol: poetry inspires the musician, music inspires the poet. This synergy is manifested in lyrics, sometimes inspired by music, sometimes by poetry.
Singer and requinto player José Ángel Gutiérrez, with over forty years of experience, has developed a strong Oriental melodic base and great improvisational ability, integrated into both traditional Jarocho music and his original compositions.